“Upgrade your EZCast dongle for iOS 11
EZCast upgrade instructions for iOS 11
EZCast Wi-Fi dongles:
1. Upgrade your dongle’s firmware to the latest version by selecting “Setting/Upgrade” in the menu.
2. For iOS 11 users, please turn on “AirPlay Mirror” before launching YouTube for better user experience.
3. For users of iOS 10 or lower, please configure “Setting/EZAir mode” to “Mirror only” for better user experience.
EZCast Wire and “Powered by EZCast” wire products:
1. Upgrade your EZCast products to the latest firmware first, before upgrading your iOS devices to iOS 11.
2. Then, upgrade your iOS devices to iOS 11 for better compatibility.
點(diǎn)擊search device,如果提示Attempt to connect to host timed out 則點(diǎn)擊 Search Device后,再找到設(shè)備
點(diǎn)擊 FW OTA:
點(diǎn)擊search device,如果提示Attempt to connect to host timed out 則點(diǎn)擊 Search Device后,再找到設(shè)備
點(diǎn)擊 FW OTA:
Do you want to upgrade
Local Version:16275000
Server Version:16285000
OTA升級固件后,需要重啟電腦,重啟后,點(diǎn)擊 FW OTA會提示最新版本Your firmware is the latest version,即可正常iOS11的iPhone去投屏了。以上便是iphone升級到ios11后無法正常投屏到ezcast的解決方法!
OTA升級固件后,需要重啟電腦,重啟后,點(diǎn)擊 FW OTA會提示最新版本Your firmware is the latest version,即可正常iOS11的iPhone去投屏了。以上便是iphone升級到ios11后無法正常投屏到ezcast的解決方法!